Course Listings

Course Listings

Soar to Success provides virtual education and enrichment in centers that are conveniently located in communities across Addis. High-achieving students from all demographics and backgrounds are able to attend classes twice a week. Classes focus on skills necessary for success in high school, university, and the workforce. Soar to Success empowers students to unlock their potential and achieve their goals for the future. Classes are taught by trained professionals who are native English speakers.

University Preparation Level One

Prepare for your success at the university by improving your English skills, Technology skills and Life skills. Students will write a college level essay, become familiar with technology platforms used at university and learn what professors expect so that they can improve their abilities and excel in school. 

University Preparation Level Two

The number one challenge that students have at university is their writing skills. Improve your writing in this college level writing course. Students will write a narrative, persuasive and research essay so that they are ready for the rigors of a university classroom. 


University Preparation Level One 
  • Starts March 23 - 2:00 - 4:00 International
  • 12 Sessions
  • Locations: Saint Mary's University and Etege Menen 

University Preparation Level Two

  • Starts APril 6th 1:00 - 2:00 International
  • 12 Sessions
  • Locations: Saint Mary's University and Etege Meen

English Instruction

Students are providing with instruction in speaking, listening, reading and writing. They are given ample opportunities to practice oral language, are taught how to write a university level essay and are prepared for English language tests such as TOEFL or Duo-Lingo. 

Technology & Life Skills

Students will become familiar with common technology programs such as Google Drive, Blackboard, Canva and others. In addition students will learn life skills such as time management and communication skills to be successful in a university or job setting. 


Students receive 1-1 instruction and encouragement to help them grow as learners and gain confidence in their abilities. Students are empowered to believe in themselves with the knowledge that they are capable and intelligent students capable of achieving their goals.

Soar to Success Registration

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